Is higher education worth the price?

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                Today’s topic is about education. Is receiving a higher education worth the price? Many of you guys will have different answers on the topic. Some may agree that receiving a higher education is worth all the money in the world. Others may disagree and say that a higher education will only leave you with stress and financial burden. In my opinion having a higher education is worth all the price in the world. To achieve a higher education means so much to me and my family. My family comes from a very poor town in Mexico. My grandparents could not afford the cost of school for their children, and many were forced to drop out and work. Many of my aunts and uncles as well as my parents were forced to go into the real world with little knowledge of what to expect. Many experienced difficult situations and were focused to deal with them because of the poor lack of education they had received. As a first generation graduate from a community college, I can say that graduating from HCCC was very rewarding. My parents could not afford the cost of me going to college, but if it meant many opportunities to gain after, they were willing to go into debt in order to have an educated woman in the family. Reading the articles and watching the documentary, I feel extremely connected but also worry about what was mentioned within each of the articles, especially the documentary. I am a senior and I am soon to graduate from NJCU and although I am very excited, I am extremely scared to face the real world and scared for my future. I am happy I am done with college but also scared to find a job that would help me financially but also help cover the cost of my student loan debt.

 Why Does College Cost So Much? - WSJ

                I understand why people will say that having a higher education is not worth the price. In the article "Are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission?", by Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus they talk about the changes that colleges and universities make to decrease the prices of tuition for the students to have a higher education. They mention some points saying that receiving a higher education seems to be a business transaction and that it is crucial to keep the reasons for higher education at the forefront. They accept that universities need to draw in their potential students into educating. The purpose of the article was to inform the reader on how colleges have changed. Colleges have lost their touch to educated students. Higher education will be seen as an illusion, this causes some colleges to provide low quality education. If a student is paying or going into debt, they should receive all the facts, information of every material with them everywhere they go. They go on to explain that because professors aren’t educating their students well, these students are leaving colleges with no education. He says that students are paying a lot of money to have a higher education but are receiving poor quality lectures. They aren’t receiving what they are paying for and are leaving colleges into the real world unprepared. This can play a big role on why students will feel that a higher education is not worth the price. I would say that these are matters that can be changed and discussed to better the quality of the student life living on or off campus.

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         In the documentary “The Ivory Tower”, the quote “going to college is cheating death” continues to give me goosebumps. I think that if I was not going to college I would probably be working at a place where I was not happy or not getting paid enough. Going to college is worth all the price to me because it has shaped me into a different person and has exposed me to different materials. The documentary can make you think that colleges and universities will scram you into thinking that after graduation all your problems will go away. Although this is not the case, problems will always be there, but you will be more prepared then when you first enrolled into the intuition. YES, finding a job will be a bit hard but if you are paying attention in classes and inhaling all that is being taught it will help you be prepared to apply for jobs or connect with the right people. This also includes not going into intuitions to party because of the reputation. This will only prove that going to college was a waste of time and money. Let’s make our future brighter and better, that can only happen with higher education, at no cost.



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