Are we products of our environment or products of our expectations?

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Clarity of expectations: The first step towards high performance and  productivity - PROTRADE United

Today we will be talking about whether we are products of our environment or products of our expectations. I think that to be a product of an environment, we are influenced and are made to make decisions based on the type of environment we are surround by. To be a product of your expectations is that you make goals in order to meet your expectations. I think that we are a product of our expectations, no matter how hard and complicated the situation may be, we are in the power to change it. For example, people may be in a situation at home where parents or family members may have trouble with drugs, alcohol, or maintaining a job, this doesn't mean that because of the circumstance of environment, it will stay like that forever. If we are the product that is seeing how bad our environment is, we are not going to set ourselves for failure. Yes, sometimes it happens, we might not have a support system, but we should be the products of seeing high expectation to better our lifestyle. I believe that this question has to do with one's identity. In the Ted Talk presentation, Wes Moore explains the details of coming up with a name for his book. He says,"What's inside of a book is all author. Those are the authors's words and author's thoughts. What's on the outside of the cover, that's all publishers. When discussing the title, it's all ceremonial." When he explains this to the announce, Wes Moore is trying to get a point across where although the book was his words and thoughts, from the outside the public isn't seeing it the same. People may have negative comments about his background. You might have an imagine of your identity, but it could impact you due to your past/background. 
TOP 21 QUOTES BY WES MOORE | A-Z QuotesExpectation: The Root of All Heartache . . . and Success – Channel Futures
Some examples that come to mind is if your family comes from having drug addiction. It affects your identity to the world. This can make you the "product" in which because of your environment or the family you come from, your stuck being only seen as the family with addiction to drugs. Circumstance like these cannot define who you are and where you want to head in life. Whereas if you are the "product" of your expectations, you will ask for help, and not let these downfalls affect your future. You will do better because your environment is showing you what you don't want. You would change it and make it better. Your expectation keeps hopes alive and makes one's life better as well as those around. 

This reminds me of my mom. My mom grew up in a small town in Puebla, Mexico. My grandparents had 16 children. My mom was number 15, due to many children, my grandparents couldn't afford my mom to finish school. She could not afford her education on her own either. So, to other people, it was seen negative above my family. They were seen by being poor and uneducated, not knowing the whole story. My parents made sure not to repeat the story and make sure my siblings and I had the education they never had. I will be the first one to graduated college in my family, and that's thanks to my parents. My parents changed the environment for my siblings and I so we could meet our expectations to the tee. 


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