
    My name is Jennifer Torres. I am 26 years old. I am a senior. My major is Psychology. I love the color blue and I have a beautiful golden retriever. 

The first time I remember holding onto a book correctly was in kindergarten. It was my first day of school and I remember my mom getting my siblings and I ready for school. I was very nervous and I was very shy to start school. As I walked down the hallway to my classroom, my mom held my hand and showed me how to hold my books correctly. I had them all facing backwards. I can never forget the way my mom looked at me and helped that morning. Although I was very scared, she made me feel better and I knew that she had my back. My mom has always inspired me because although she did not finish school, she was very educated and strong. My grandparents were very poor and could not afford for my mother to go to school, that didn't stop my mom from learning on her own. If she did not know something, she asked. She would go to public libraries and get help from others.

When I learned that my mom didn't finish school, it did discourage me because my mom couldn't always help my siblings and I with our homework. It was hard for my family because we didn't have anyone to lean on for help. My mom and dad didn't understand english. My mom always found ways to help us. She would go to workshops at schools, she would always ask questions to the teachers and made sure we had a tutor. 

My earliest experiences with literacy was kindergarten through 1st grade because it was very difficult for me to read. I would confuse words and had a difficult time spelling  words. It impacted in so many ways, not just at school but at home too. I am the oldest and my little brothers would come ask me for help and I felt useless because I did not know it all either. I was very thankful at the time with all the work and effort my parents did for me to go to after school activities and have tutors to help me.

I began to feel literate when I was able to answer more questions with my tutors as well as in school. I would not have trouble reading, and spelling words.I joined a spelling bee contest in the 2nd grade and I didn't make it to first place but I felt so proud of myself because I was so close. As I can remember I enjoyed writing more than reading or anything else. I would rewrite my assignments over and over until I understood the topic or I liked my handwriting font. I also owned many journals and diaries. I was frustrated when I wasn't able to help my little brothers.My teachers and tutors were also my role models.

I feel that as I get older and meet people, my literacy isn't perfect and I would love to learn more. I sometimes find myself with words I can't immediately pronounce. I want to come across any book and not be afraid of reading out loud.
Everything I do is literacy from reading signs to signing papers at a doctors office.My family and friends continue to inspire me to pursue my education.


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