The other Wes Moore needed to tell his mother that he got Alicia pregnant. Have you ever had to give someone news that you knew would break their heart? How did you build up the courage?

Wes Moore, the author of "The Other Wes Moore ", conveys that the character who ended up in prison, conceived a child with a girl named Alicia he met on the school bus. He confided in his brother about his predicament, but his brother told their mother everything during dinner in front of his child's mother. Wes's mother was very upset to hear about the news, as she could slowly see her second son turning into her first.  She asked the new coming mom if this was true and Alicia confirmed, unsure on how to accept the news. Wes's mom continued about the dinner. 

I, myself remember of a time where I had to give a news, knowing it would break their heart. During May of 2020 covid was happening, the whole world was shut down and it was very hard to see love ones. During this time, many people were getting sick, and my mom got covid. She was very ill and was separated from the whole family. At the same time, my grandma who was living in Mexico also was very sick. Unfortunately no one knew at the time that my grandma also had covid, she was battling with the illness and trying to get better from any medicine she had near by. Unfortunately she died in her bed and I was the first one to be notify. My cousin called me from Mexico and informed me that grandma did not make it and they didn't know how to break down to my mom, because they knew she was very sick too. It was so hard and sad to be the one to let me mom know about the news. She was on the other side of the house and I took the chance of getting covid but I didn't care because I wanted to be there for my mom. Its about to be three years ago and it has be one of the most heartbreaking news I ever had to give. 

       Me & my grandmother.                                                    This is my grandma's ofrenda back in Mexico


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