
The other Wes Moore needed to tell his mother that he got Alicia pregnant. Have you ever had to give someone news that you knew would break their heart? How did you build up the courage?

Wes Moore, the author of "The Other Wes Moore ", conveys that the character who ended up in prison, conceived a child with a girl named Alicia he met on the school bus. He confided in his brother about his predicament, but his brother told their mother everything during dinner in front of his child's mother. Wes's mother was very upset to hear about the news, as she could slowly see her second son turning into her first.  She asked the new coming mom if this was true and Alicia confirmed, unsure on how to accept the news. Wes's mom continued about the dinner.  I, myself remember of a time where I had to give a news, knowing it would break their heart. During May of 2020 covid was happening, the whole world was shut down and it was very hard to see love ones. During this time, many people were getting sick, and my mom got covid. She was very ill and was separated from the whole family. At the same time, my grandma who was living in Mexico also was very sick. Unfort

Have you ever made a decision that you believe could have altered your life path?

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog! Thanks for coming back! Today I will be sharing a story about my past. Have I ever made a decision that made me believe I altered my life path? The answer is YES. This story might be a little controversial. I graduated high school in 2015, and right before graduation everyone was excited about the Colleges and Universities they had applied to. All my friends were going to live on campus. They were going to good schools. During this time, my dad had a stroke and was very sick. He had a bunch of health problems. As the oldest in my family, I had to step up and help. Due to the circumstance, I couldn't live on campus because I had to work and help my parents with bills. I felt guilty and decide to go to a community college instead, and so I did. I was working two-three part time jobs and balancing college, while all my friends were in the end of finishing college. I hated my life at that moment and hated the situation I was in, I wanted to hav

Are we products of our environment or products of our expectations?

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog! Today we will be talking about whether we are products of our environment or products of our expectations. I think that to be a product of an environment, we are influenced and are made to make decisions based on the type of environment we are surround by. To be a product of your expectations is that you make goals in order to meet your expectations. I think that we are a product of our expectations, no matter how hard and complicated the situation may be, we are in the power to change it. For example, people may be in a situation at home where parents or family members may have trouble with drugs, alcohol, or maintaining a job, this doesn't mean that because of the circumstance of environment, it will stay like that forever. If we are the product that is seeing how bad our environment is, we are not going to set ourselves for failure. Yes, sometimes it happens, we might not have a support system, but we should be the products of seeing high

Is higher education worth the price?

  Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog!                       Today’s topic is about education. Is receiving a higher education worth the price? Many of you guys will have different answers on the topic. Some may agree that receiving a higher education is worth all the money in the world. Others may disagree and say that a higher education will only leave you with stress and financial burden. In my opinion having a higher education is worth all the price in the world. To achieve a higher education means so much to me and my family. My family comes from a very poor town in Mexico. My grandparents could not afford the cost of school for their children, and many were forced to drop out and work. Many of my aunts and uncles as well as my parents were forced to go into the real world with little knowledge of what to expect. Many experienced difficult situations and were focused to deal with them because of the poor lack of education they had received. As a first generation graduate from

Is fast food the new tobacco?

Jennifer Torres  Professor: Dr. Michelle Rosen    Is Fast Food the New Tobacco?   Obesity has become a major problem in society. Statistics have shown a number of increase through out the years. There are many causes of obesity but getting the government to get involved in what a person consumes into their bodies should only be held accountable to one itself.  I think that like tobacco, fast food can be addicted. Fast food is a type of mass produced food designed for commercial resale, with a priority placed on speed of service. With that speed of service the public receives frozen food. These foods are then preheated and can impact the persons health. In the long term , if a person becomes addicted to fast food it may cause obesity and other health issues. So is fast food the new tobacco? The answer is yes.  In the article What You Eat Is Your Business, by Radley Balko he explains th at the government should not be getting involved in the choices consumers make regarding their food ,

Is Pop Culture Good For you ?

Jennifer Torres  Professor: Dr. Michelle Rosen    What is pop culture? Pop culture is the most common form of popular culture like movies, music, TV, sports, entertainment and other various forms of technology. People have different opinions when it comes to pop culture and its benefits to society. Some people may argue that pop culture has affected society throughout time but others will argue that pop culture has its advantages. I think pop culture is good for you because it has become a new form for people to express what they feel without being too exposed. In the Ted talk video from Phil Miller he explains to his audience that pop culture is basically a group of people who come together with a common purpose or idea. He explained that social media happens to be one of the main tools people use nowadays to draw attention to a specific group of people. I think this is true because people all over the world use social media as a platform to bring awareness to certain topics and get h